Friday, September 21, 2012

.bat code for shutdown a computer

type in notepad

@echo off
msg * I don’t like you
shutdown -c “Hahahah You are Doomed” -s

save it as hckr333.bat

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Get Twitter back after a hack

Hacked TwitterThe fix: You get a DM or a response from one of your Twitter friends; they ask about an odd message or tweet that came from your account. You look, and sure enough, your account has sent out messages to a mess of your followers, all with a message about earning hundreds of dollars from your own home or something like "Hey, what r u doin in this video," followed by a link.
What do you do? You immediately -- IMMEDIATELY -- change your password. How? Get to your settings -- they're in a drop-down menu you'll find by clicking the little faceless guy in the upper right corner of Twitter's Web interface -- and click on the "password" tab. You'll enter the old password and the enter a new one twice.
Most of the time, that will be enough. If it's not, the next thing to try is to submit a password-change request to Twitter, via a form you'll find in the Twitter support pages. That will be enough for 99 percent of hacked accounts, but if you're a lucky 1 percenter, you'll need to file a Twitter support request; that can be a long, frustrating process, but that will almost always solve your problem.
Prevention: If you've just regained control of your account, you're not done. You should also take a minute and check out the third-party apps that have access to your stuff. And even if you haven't been hacked, it's a good idea to review that stuff occasionally anyway, because that's generally where the hacks come from.
How? Go back to the settings page on your account, but this time click on the "Apps" tab. You'll see a list of every third-party app that has access to your account. If you're recovering from a hack, revoke access for all of them. It's a pain, yes, because you'll have to go back and re-authorize the stuff you actually use, but securing your account is the more important thing here.
Even if you haven't been hacked, take a run through that list every few months or so. See any apps you don't recognize? Delete them right now. See others you don't use? Cut those too. Keep that list lean, and you'll narrow the chances that someone's going to take over your account.
Don't click. The last thing to do is actually a thing not to do. No matter how tempting it is to see exactly what's on the other side of that link you get in that DM, don't do it. What's on the other side? Chances are, it's not good for your computer, and it could lead to your account getting hacked as well. If you get a DM that doesn't make sense -- you know there's no video, the sender is writing in a way that seems unusual -- delete it and let the sender know that it's probably time for a new password.
Because they've been hacked.

Currency : timesonline

Friday, August 24, 2012

What to do if our facebook account gets HACKED ??


 Your friends, your messages, your personal photos and events — so much of our lives is stored on Facebook. So what happens if a hacker interferes with your account?

That was the concern this week for many Facebook users whose accounts were doing things they didn’t ask them to do, such as automatically adding blocked users as friends. Complaints and concerns lit-up Facebook’s Help Center. Facebook said the problem was caused by user error — the contact importer has a “friend all” feature that automatically friends all of the user’s contacts with a Facebook account. This incident wasn’t caused by a hack or a virus, but a bottleneck in the “friend all” feature that resulted in a slew of users noticing their new friends at once.

But Facebook and its users have been hacked in the past. One hack spread through user-to-user chat. A person would click on a link and the virus would be downloaded. The virus deleted any anti-virus programs on the user’s computer and then sent itself to all of their Facebook friends just like how the user had received it.

Lets  reached out to Facebook for some tips on how to prevent being hacked and they offered us these security tips:
>Review your security settings and consider enabling login notifications. They’re in the drop-down box under Account on the upper right hand corner of your FB home page.

>Don’t click on strange links, even if they’re from friends, and notify the person if you see something suspicious.

>Don’t click on friend requests from unknown parties.

>If you come across a scam, report it so that it can be taken down.
Don’t download any applications you aren’t certain about.

>For using Facebook from places like hotels and airports, text “otp” to 32665 for a one-time password to your account.

>Visit Facebook’s security page, and read the “Take Action” and “Threats” sections.

>Facebook partnered with online security companies McAfee, Symantec and others this past April to create the Antivirus Marketplace. Through these partnerships, it is able to offer users free trials of anti-virus software.

Has your Facebook or other social networking account ever been hacked? Tell us about the experience in the comments.


Friday, August 17, 2012

FTP and TELNET Password Cracking with THC Hydra

Password is the only thing which protects secure information on the network systems. If we want to access secure information, we must be an authorize member of the system or network.  According to many password security study passwords are the biggest security holes . If any unauthorized managed to get the right password, he will be able to access the secure data on the system.

Although many security systems try to improve security by various methods but there are some tools which always break the security easily. THC Hydra is the tool which shows how easy it is to gain the unauthorized access of a network system from remote to a system.
This is not the only tool which can crack FTP or Telnet passwords of a remote computer. There are various tools available which can do this job and those also supports various protocols and use parallel connection to crack. But THC Hydra is the best and known for its speed and efficiency.
THC Hydra performs brute force attack based on password dictionary.

Bruteforce Attack: Bruteforce attack is the most widely used attack for password cracking. This attack uses all possible permutations of passwords until the correct password is found.
For example: If the password is 3 characters long and consists of both letters and numbers. Then a brute force attack will use 2,38,328 different password at your password.

For First character: total lower case letters (26) + total upper case letters (26) + total numbers (10) = 62
For Second character: same = 62
For Third character: same = 62
Total permutations = 62*62*62 = 2,38,328

About THC Hydra: Before knowing about the password cracking with this tool, you must know few things about this tool.
THC Hydra is the fast network logon cracker. It connects with multiple parallel connections to the remote systems and then starts its attack. It is able to crack passwords of various kinds of services.
If we compare this tool with other available logon password crackers, this tool supports more services and protocols. And it is faster than other tools.

List of Protocols, THC Hydra supports: These are the protocols which this tool supports. We can crack password of these services with this nice logon cracker.
AFP, Cisco AAA, Cisco auth, Cisco enable, CVS, Firebird, FTP, HTTP-FORM-GET, HTTP-FORM-POST, HTTP-GET, HTTP-HEAD, HTTP-PROXY, HTTPS-FORM-GET, HTTPS-FORM-POST, HTTPS-GET, HTTPS-HEAD, HTTP-Proxy, ICQ, IMAP, IRC, LDAP, MS-SQL, MYSQL, NCP, NNTP, Oracle Listener, Oracle SID, Oracle, PC-Anywhere, PCNFS, POP3, POSTGRES, RDP, Rexec, Rlogin, Rsh, SAP/R3, SIP, SMB, SMTP, SMTP Enum, SNMP, SOCKS5, SSH (v1 and v2), Subversion, Teamspeak (TS2), Telnet, VMware-Auth, VNC and XMPP.

Supported Platforms: This network logon cracker is available for most of the available platforms. This is the list:
·         All UNIX platforms (linux, *bsd, solaris, etc.)
·         Mac OS/X
·         Windows with Cygwin (both ipv4 and ipv6)
·         Mobile systems based on Linux or Mac OS/X (e.g. Android, iPhone, Zaurus, iPaq)

Hydra Explaind and its usage:
For command line usage, we will use following command:
$ hydra [[[-l LOGIN|-L FILE] [-p PASS|-P FILE]] | [-C FILE]] [-e ns] [-o FILE] [-t TASKS] [-M FILE [-T TASKS]] [-w TIME] [-f] [-s PORT] [-S] [-vV] server service [OPT]
Here different argument has different meaning. Read the meaning of these command line arguments below:

It is used to restore a previous aborted/crashed session

connect via SSL to the target system

if the service is on a different default port, define it here. Write –s before the port.

-l or -L
login with LOGIN name, or load several logins from FILE. Be sure for case of l in both argument. Small for username ad capital for username list file.

-p or -P
try password PASS, or load several passwords from FILE. Same case for p will be applied here. If you want to try single password use small p. But use capital P for the password list.

additional checks, "n" for null password, "s" try login as pass

colon seperated "login:pass" format, instead of -L/-P options. This file will have colon seperated login and password. This is also a better idea to use.

server list for parallel attacks, one entry per line

It will write found login/password pairs to FILE instead of stdout.

This argument will exit after the first found login/password pair (per host if -M). It will not check for any other combinattion which may be matched if we are using username list and password list together.

run TASKS number of connects in parallel (default: 16)

defines the max wait time in seconds for responses (default: 30)

-v / -V
verbose mode / show login+pass combination for each attempt

the target server (use either this OR the -M option)

the service to crack. Supported protocols: telnet ftp pop3[-ntlm] imap[-ntlm] smb smbnt http[s]-{head|get} http-{get|post}-form http-proxy cisco cisco-enable vnc ldap2 ldap3 mssql mysql oracle-listener postgres nntp socks5 rexec rlogin pcnfs snmp rsh cvs svn icq sapr3 ssh2 smtp-auth[-ntlm] pcanywhere teamspeak sip vmauthd firebird ncp afp

How to crack Telnet password with THC Hydra:
First of all download, Hydra from the official website. If you are using windows Version, you will have to work on console. These are no GUI for windows users. I am showing it on windows. Download the zip file and extract it on the system.

Now follow these steps:
Click on start and type CMD in search bar (in windows 7) and open command prompt.
Now change the command prompt location to the hydra folder by using CD command.

Figure 1: THC Hydra
Now we will execute the hydra by typing hydra.exe in the command prompt

Figure 2: Running Hydra For First Time
Now we need to select the target computer. At this moment we can use Nmap for scanning IP and open ports. So download the Nmap in your system. Windows users should download windows version. After downloading Nmap, scan for IP range. Also check for open ports in these IP addresses.

How to Use Nmap?
Use of Nmap is really simple. If you do not know, I am writing something in short which will help you.
Suppose I am in a network which has IP series of 192.168.0.x and I want to break into the telnet of a system in this network. I will use Nmap to find my target system.
First of all, we will scan to check which systems are alive on the network. Use Nmap for simple ping and get the list of all systems alive on the network. Use this command:

nmap -sP

now see the results of this ping scan. You will get the list of ip addresses of all systems which are alive. These systems can be used as target so I will pick one from the list.
I have chosen the system with ip address
Now we will check whether the TELNET port is open in the target computer or not. So use this command for simple port scan:

nmap -sS -sV -P 0 -T5 -O

This command will show all running service on the target computer. If Telnet service is running on the target system, we are ready for the attack, otherwise we will have to select another computer for the attack.
After selecting the target, we will start attack on it. After knowing that Telnet port is open we will use Hydra to attack on it.
There are two things we need to have before the attack. Username list and a password list. Username list is being used in case we do not know the username. Password list will be the possible list of passwords which will be used by hydra for brute forcing.

Case 1: Suppose we know the username. Let us assume that the username for the target telnet is admin.
Now we will use the command to run the attack.
hydra -l admin -P passlist.txt telnet

Figure 3: attacking on Telnet of target system with username Admin
Here passlist.txt is the list of possible passwords. Hydra will use each password for the selected username and will try to login. If a password from the list is matched, it will stop the scanning and show the username and password combination for the target telnet.

Figure 4: Cracked password for the username admin
If no password from the passlist.txt matched with the username, it will simply stop scan.
In case, you want to save the scan results into a file, you will have to change the command and add the name of the output file into command line argument.
hydra -l admin -P passlist.txt -o test.txt telnet
This command will save the result to the output file test.txt.

Case 2: In case you do not know the username, you can use the guess list of username along with the password list. Now we will use the command to run the attack.
hydra -L username.txt -P passlist.txt telnet
Here username.txt is the guess list for possible usernames for the target admin and passlist.txt is the guess list for possible passwords.
To save the result into a output file we will use the similar command as I have already written. The only difference is that we will pass username list here.
hydra -L username.txt -P passlist.txt -o test.txt telnet
Here: One thing to Note that using username and password list change one thing in the command which is not noticeable for all users. When I have executed the command for a single username, I used –l admin but I use -L username.txt when I used a list. Here see the difference between –L and-l. When use a single username, use small case of l but use capital L when use username list.
If you are on Ubuntu or any other linux based operating system, this tool will be more easy to use. This tool comes with a nice GUI for Linux based operating systems. So you will not need to learn hydra commands for them. Working is similar and commands are executed in background of GUI.
This was the short demonstration of Telnet password cracking with the use of HYDRA network logon cracker.

How to crack FTP password with THC Hydra:
In previous section, I wrote about cracking Telnet password with Hydra. As I already told that this is a network logon cracker and it supports many network protolcols. So it is used to cracked most of the network login. Cracking FTP password is also the same as cracking telnet password.
You just need to find the target system with FTP port open. And then use hydra to crack password with password dictionary. If you are not sure about the username, you can use username dictionary along with password dictionary.
Now we will use the command to run the attack.
hydra -l admin -P passlist.txt ftp
You can see that the command is similar. Only I have replaced the Telnet with ftp to tell Hydra that it has to attack on ftp port this time. You can change the target system IP accordingly. You can also use admin list as given below.
hydra –L username.txt -P passlist.txt ftp
All other things are similar. And you can replace this ftp to any other supported protocol.
How to protect against Hydra attack: Protection against these kind of Buteforcing attack is divided into three parts

·         Always check your logs against suspicious activity. Log files will help to know more about the attacker.
·         Always use strong password with good length. Use both cases, number and a special characters.
·         Always restrict few number of invalid login and then block the login from that IP.

Conclusion: THC Hydra is really a nice and effective networ logon cracker. It is best among all available network logon cracker tools. It is also used dictionary based attack with multiple connection at a time which makes it faster. So always use strong password which is hard to crack. If you will use a strong password with use of capital and small letters, numbers and special characters. These kind of passwords are really hard to crack as it makes more number of permutations. You can also setup server restriction. In this, you can disallow login after 3 invalid login. This will block bruteforce attack.


Monday, March 12, 2012

.bat To .exe Converter

Bat To Exe-Converter converts bat script files to exe files. There are some differences to normal bat files. You can create invisible applications, you can include additional binaries, icons and version informations to your program.

2. Now run the application and put the source path of the batch file, then the target executable file name with location.
3. Click on “Compile” button.
That’s all.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Bugtraq-I : Distribution for Pentesting and forensics

Bugtraq system offers the most comprehensive distribution, optimal, stable and automatic security to date. Bugtraq is a distribution based on the 2.6.38 kernel has a wide range of penetration and forensic tools. Bugtraq can be installed from a Live DVD or USB drive, the distribution is customized to the last package, configured and updated the kernel. The kernel has been patched for better performance to recognize a variety of hardware, including wireless injection patches pentesting that other distributions do not recognize.

Some of the special features that you can appreciate are:
· Administrative improvements of the system for better management of services.
· Expanded the range of recognition for injection wireless drivers.
· Patching the kernel 2.6.38 to recognize 4 gigs of RAM in 32-bit.
· Tools perfectly configured, automated installation scripts and tools like Nessus, OpenVAS, Greenbone, Nod32, Hashcat, Avira, BitDefender, ClamAV, Avast, AVG, etc...
· Unique Scripts from Bugtraq-Team (SVN updates tools, delete tracks, backdoors, Spyder-sql, etc.)
· Stability and performance optimized: Enhanced performance flash and java and start purging unnecessary services. So that the user can use only the services you really want.
· It has incorporated the creation of the user in the installation, which is created with all system configurations.
· We are the distribution and Forensic Pentesting with more tools built and functional, well organized menu without repetition of the same to avoid overwhelming the user.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Beast (trojan horse)

File:Beast RAT client.jpg
Beast 2.07
Beast is a Windows-based backdoor trojan horse, more commonly known in the underground hacking community as a Remote Administration Tool or RAT. It is capable of infecting version of Windows from 95 to XP. Written in Delphi and released first by its author Tataye in 2002, it became quite popular due to its unique features. It used the typical client–server model where the client would be under operation by the attacker and the server is what would infect the victim. Beast was one of the first trojans to feature a reverse connection to its victims, and once established it gave the attacker complete control over the infected computer. Using the reverse connection there was no need for the attacker to know the target IP address; instead, the server connected to a predefined DNS, which was redirected to the attacker IP address. For its DLL, it used the injection method—they were injected into a specified process, commonly "explorer.exe" (Windows Explorer), "iexplore.exe" (Internet Explorer), or "msnmsgr.exe" (MSN Messenger). Due to this the DLLs were automatically loaded into memory once these processes were executed.
It mainly targeted three infection sites:
  • C:\Windows\msagent\ms****.com (Size ranging from 30KB to 49KB)
  • C:\Windows\System32\ms****.com (Size ranging from 30KB to 49KB)
  • C:\Windows\dxdgns.dll or C:\Windows\System32\dxdgns.dll (Location dependent on attacker's choice)
(Note: Removing these three files in safe mode with system restore turned off in case of XP would thus disinfect the system)
The default ports used for the direct and reverse connections were 6666 and 9999 respectively, though the attacker had the option of changing these. Beast came with a built-in firewall bypasser and had the ability of terminating some Anti-Virus or firewall processes. It also came with a binder that could be used to join two or more files together and then change their icon.
The Server Editor offered these capabilities:
  • Direct or Reverse connection option
  • DLL injection location (e.g. explorer.exe)
  • Server name change option
  • Server installation directory (e.g. <windir>)
  • Various IP and Server info notification options (e.g. email, icq, cgi, etc.)
  • Startup keys selection
  • Anti-Virus and firewall killing
  • Other miscellaneous options (e.g. automatic server file deletion, fake error messages, offline keylogger, icon changer, etc.)
Once connected to the victim, Beast offered the following features:
  • File Manager – along with browsing victim's directories it could upload, download, delete, or execute any file
  • Remote Registry Editor
  • Screenshot and Webcam capture utility
  • Services, Applications, and Processes Managers, providing the ability of terminating or executing any of these
  • Clipboard tool that could get currently stored strings
  • Passwords tool capable of recovering any stored passwords in the victim's computer
  • Power Options (e.g. shutdown, reboot, logoff, crash, etc.)
  • Some tools mainly for creating nuisance (e.g. mouse locking, taskbar hiding, CD-ROM operator and locker, URL opener, wallpaper changer, etc.)
  • Chat client providing communication between the attacker and the victim
  • Other tools such as a Remote IP scanner, live keylogger, offline logs downloader, etc.
  • Server Controls (e.g. server deleter, updater, terminator, info provider, etc.)